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Different Types of Skin Cancer

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There are many different types of skin cancer, each with its own cause and course of treatment. Primarily, skin cancer falls into three categories, which are melanoma, basal, and squamous cell.

Melanoma involves the cells which regulate skin pigment, whereas basal and squamous cell carcinomas involve cells that make up the subcutis, dermis, and epidermis of the skin. Melanoma is considered the most dangerous because it stands the greatest chance of spreading or metastasizing. The cells which control skin pigment are much closer to and therefore have greater access to lymph vessels, which can transport cancerous cells to other parts of the body. Read the rest of this entry

Natural Skin Cancer Treatments

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Skin Cancer is never a nice thing to have and the conventional therapy that one is accustomed to with cancer is never something to look forward to. Not only are you uncertain the treatments are not going to work, but besides getting rid of the bad cancerous cell the chemotherapy or radiation will get rid of the good cells as well, almost like cooking your insides.

Besides living off a good diet which will do you the world of good there are treatments that are completely naturally for skin cancer. Read the rest of this entry

Basic Information On Skin Cancer And Its Types

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As a person grows older, his skin begins to wrinkle, oil and sweat glands slow down which causes the skin to be dry.  As you probably have noticed in an old man’s skin, it is dry unlike the skin of young adults which is still fresh and still looks healthy.  Another thing is that the skin may lose elasticity and the tone of normal skin and this might cause changes in the facial contours.  This is just a normal occurrence as we age up and might as well just accept the fact that we are no longer getting any younger. Read the rest of this entry

Sun Damage & Skin Cancer Risks

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The prospect of getting skin cancer is frightening for anyone. If the prognoses of doctors, dermatologists, beauty magazines and the media in general are to be believed, everyone is at risk any time they step into the outdoors without some form of protection. And yet, there’s no hard scientific evidence that this is true. In fact, there’s a growing consensus in the medical community that the anti-sun rhetoric that’s had everyone slathering on sunscreen every time they step outside, is over-stated. In the absence of any consistently reliable standards or scientifically proven information, it helps to know as much as you can to make an educated guess as to the best options for minimizing the risk for yourself and your loved ones. Here’s a brief summary of what you need to know: Read the rest of this entry

Get Rid of Tanning Skin Cancer

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With the arrival of spring time, many dream of warming them up swimming with bikinis and having the tanned bodies. With an urge to get that brown tan to make bikini look cool and appearance of ready to go to the beach people take up numerous commercial products. The oldest fashioned way is to expose yourself to the hot sun, while a contemporary way is to use tanning bed which promises you a step forwarded to look sexy. But medical research showed the bad affect of such tanning beds. As the use of such method rise you in the risk of having tanning skin cancer. Read the rest of this entry

Do You Have a Greater Risk of Developing Squamous Cell Skin Cancer?

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You have a higher risk of getting squamous cell skin cancer if you have at least one of the following: light colored hair, eyes, and skin, too much exposure to the sun, x-rays, and chemicals. Anyone who fits into any of the categories above are more commonly diagnosed with it. Squamous cell skin cancer can be described as bumps that are growing and contain scaly, reddish, or flat surfaces. Non healing wounds are another characteristic of this type of cancer.

The neck, face, arms, ears, and nose a some of the most common areas where tumors develop. If you catch it in the early stages, then it can be treated. Though, if you getting any type of indication that that you might have it, then get an appointment with a professional scheduled as soon as possible so you can begin receiving treatment. Read the rest of this entry

Can Black People Get Skin Cancer?

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Skin cancer is the most common of all the cancers. For years, the majority of the black population and even many medical specialists have assumed that people of color cannot get skin cancer, but that assumption is very much false.

Believing themselves safe from the sun’s radiation, many people with darker complexions do not use sunscreen. Since these individuals feel invincible against the sun, they often are unaware of the symptoms of cancer of the skin when they are present. As a result, even though this cancer can be treated, is more likely to result in fatalities in cases involving people with darker skin tones than people with lighter skin tones. This is because usually when skin cancer is diagnosed in persons with brown or black skin, the cancer is typically in its later stages. At this point, the cancer may have spread and be impossible to treat. Read the rest of this entry

Skin Cancer Threat in Males Increasing

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The rate that the male population that die from the deadliest forms of skin cancer has increased rapidly over the past three decades. Figures published by Cancer Research UK have shown a sharp increase in death from malignant melanoma, especially in elderly men.

Figures from the late 1970’s show that fewer than 400 (1.5 per 100,000 males) men were dying of skin cancer, however recent figures show that figure has now more than doubled with over 1,100 (3.1 per 100,000 males) dying yearly. Read the rest of this entry

Skin Cancer – Know the Warning Signs

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No one ever likes to hear the word cancer. But unlike some cancers, in most cases, you can avoid skin cancer through prevention and a healthy diet. However, if you suspect that you have this type of cancer, it’s best to know the warning signs. But, when in doubt, seek the assistance of your physician. It’s always better to be proactive (safe), than sorry.

What is skin cancer? Read the rest of this entry

Vitamin D and the Prevention of Skin Cancer

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One of the major reason why type II diabetes is on the rise is due to living a lifestyle that encourages the promotion of disease and illness. Highly processed and refined foods are among the major reasons for the epidemics of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Whether you are free from diabetes for the moment, have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic or already have the disease, there’s a good chance that you lack one or more vitamins and minerals that could help you control your blood sugar and help you avoid cancer. Both vitamin C and vitamin E help to prevent kidney disease, the organ most affected by poor blood sugar control. But vitamin D studies are showing the importance of this vitamin in regulating blood sugar in diabetics. Read the rest of this entry