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Skin Cancer Threat in Males Increasing

cancer saver

The rate that the male population that die from the deadliest forms of skin cancer has increased rapidly over the past three decades. Figures published by Cancer Research UK have shown a sharp increase in death from malignant melanoma, especially in elderly men.

Figures from the late 1970’s show that fewer than 400 (1.5 per 100,000 males) men were dying of skin cancer, however recent figures show that figure has now more than doubled with over 1,100 (3.1 per 100,000 males) dying yearly. Read the rest of this entry

Skin Cancer Threat in Males Increasing

cancer saver

The rate that the male population that die from the deadliest forms of skin cancer has increased rapidly over the past three decades. Figures published by Cancer Research UK have shown a sharp increase in death from malignant melanoma, especially in elderly men.

Figures from the late 1970’s show that fewer than 400 (1.5 per 100,000 males) men were dying of skin cancer, however recent figures show that figure has now more than doubled with over 1,100 (3.1 per 100,000 males) dying yearly.

These figures are surprising, considering that this form of cancer is preventable if noticed early and exposure to sunburn is avoided. Coincidentally, the rate for women has also risen, from 1.5 to 2.2. Per 100,000.
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Skin Cancer Threat in Males Increasing

cancer saver

The rate that the male population that die from the deadliest forms of skin cancer has increased rapidly over the past three decades. Figures published by Cancer Research UK have shown a sharp increase in death from malignant melanoma, especially in elderly men.

Figures from the late 1970’s show that fewer than 400 (1.5 per 100,000 males) men were dying of skin cancer, however recent figures show that figure has now more than doubled with over 1,100 (3.1 per 100,000 males) dying yearly.

These figures are surprising, considering that this form of cancer is preventable if noticed early and exposure to sunburn is avoided. Coincidentally, the rate for women has also risen, from 1.5 to 2.2. Per 100,000.

Furthermore the study shows that although more women are diagnosed with the disease, more men actually die from the disease. Read the rest of this entry