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Different Types of Skin Cancer

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There are many different types of skin cancer, each with its own cause and course of treatment. Primarily, skin cancer falls into three categories, which are melanoma, basal, and squamous cell.

Melanoma involves the cells which regulate skin pigment, whereas basal and squamous cell carcinomas involve cells that make up the subcutis, dermis, and epidermis of the skin. Melanoma is considered the most dangerous because it stands the greatest chance of spreading or metastasizing. The cells which control skin pigment are much closer to and therefore have greater access to lymph vessels, which can transport cancerous cells to other parts of the body. Read the rest of this entry

The Different Types of Cancer Clinical Trials

There are many different types of cancer clinical trials. Typically, it takes a long time to research various aspects of cancer. A clinical trial is the last part to the extensive research that has been performed when it comes to different types of cancers, cancer treatments, and other areas of importance when it comes to cancer.

These studies include a large variety of patients. The patients are subjected to prevention treatments, diagnostic tests, and even treatments that may assist in either the prevention of cancer as a whole, the resolution of symptoms associated with cancer, and slowing the overall progression of the disease in which they suffer. Here, you will be introduced to the different types of cancer clinical trials. Read the rest of this entry

3 Different Types of Cysts You Need to Be Aware Of!

Did you know that there’s not just one type of cyst? In fact there are different types of cysts. As you read every word from this article you will discover three common types of cysts.

Women of all ages suffer from an undetected condition that usually becomes visible only when they consulted a doctor. This type of condition also doesn’t show enough symptom for women do diagnose themselves. What is this condition? Well it’s women having ovarian cyst. Read the rest of this entry

The Importance of Learning the Different Kinds of Skin Cancer Signs

cancer saver

While it may be hard to believe, often times it’s the areas of the body that aren’t as exposed to the sun that are affected by skin cancer. Moreover, while this form of cancer may be prevalent, the number of deaths that result from it are actually insignificant. In the United States, it can be said that only around 10,000 or so will die each year from it. To put into perspective, an American is ten times more likely to die in an accident on the road than die from skin cancer. Read the rest of this entry

Fear, Not Breast Cancer – Know the Different Treatments

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Breast tumors, even if biopsied malignant, are no longer causes for so much alarm and anxiety. Breakthroughs had resulted to put a stop on the malady’s spread – that is, if your breast cancer is detected at an early stage. There are 4 known treatments for breast cancer, depending upon the stage or grade of the affliction. If it is at an early stage and you had treatments, then you may be lucky not to die of breast cancer.

The 4 treatments are mastectomy, chemotherapy, radio therapy and hormone therapy. Remember, if you are a breast cancer patient, do not choose your therapy – let an oncologist do it for you! Read the rest of this entry

The Importance of Learning the Different Kinds of Skin Cancer Signs

cancer saver

While it may be hard to believe, often times it’s the areas of the body that aren’t as exposed to the sun that are affected by skin cancer. Moreover, while this form of cancer may be prevalent, the number of deaths that result from it are actually insignificant. In the United States, it can be said that only around 10,000 or so will die each year from it. To put into perspective, an American is ten times more likely to die in an accident on the road than die from skin cancer.


Despite these numbers and the fact that its not a serious health risk to most, it has not stopped some Americans from investing billions of dollars toward prevention. This is in spite of the fact that out of all the sunbathers in America, only one in three hundred are at risk for getting signs of skin cancer.

Also, it must be noted that because there are many different classifications of skin cancer, there are also a lot of symptoms and signs to be aware of as well. Read the rest of this entry