Category Archives: Skin Cancer

Unusual Skin Cancer Risk Identified

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Here’s some unexpected news. If you spend lots of time behind the wheel, you might have an increased skin cancer risk based on the findings of a new study recently published.

Skin cancers on the face were found to happen most often on the left side (the side that’s next to the window when driving) among a group of almost 1,050 patients in Saint Louis. The association was most pronounced in men. Read the rest of this entry

Lack of Skin Cancer Screenings in Over Fifties

A new study has found that too few middle aged (and older) white Americans are getting skin cancer screenings. We all know that examining the skin surface can help identify skin cancers at an early stage, when they’re easiest to treat.

According to the research, a lack of screening is a particular problem for those without a history of skin cancer who didn’t finish high school or have any of the other common cancer screenings – mammograms, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) or colorectal cancer.

Experts aren’t sure why this is happening, but raise some key the questions…

– Do people not know how important such testing is?

– Do they know where to get these screenings, and from who?

– Do they have insurance coverage for a dermatologist visit?

Perhaps there are many things playing a part. To learn more, researchers examined data from 10,486 white men and women over 50 years old who were participating in the 2005 National Health Interview Survey. The researchers found only 16% of the men, and 13% of the women reported having an examination of the skin in the past year. Skin cancer exams, like other screenings, are not happening for too many adults of this age.

Doctors might want to talk about examining the skin to patients, especially those who might not be aware of the dangers, men who have less education being most vulnerable.

Your doctor will tell you that your skin is the largest organ of your body, protecting the internal organs from harm or infection. It also helps to regulate body temperature as well as ridding the body of excess water and salt.

Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers, with over one million new cases diagnosed every year. The American Cancer Society estimates that melanoma accounts for almost 5% of these skin cancers, but brings the largest number of skin cancer deaths. Unlike other cancers, the death rate from melanoma has been steadily rising over the last 35 years.

Beyond this most deadly type of skin cancer, there are other, less dangerous but still serious, forms as well. These include basal cell carcinoma, often found in patients with light hair, light eyes and fair complexions. Squamous cell carcinoma is another form also generally found on the skin of Caucasian people, typically appearing as nodules on the skin along the rim of the ear, face, mouth and lips.

Examining your own skin once a month for changes is a smart move, while a yearly check up by a trained dermatologist can, and does, save lives. Do your self exam in a well lit room in front of a full length mirror and use a hand mirror to check areas of the body that are hard to see. On your first exam, take your time and learn the pattern of blemishes, freckles, moles and other marks on your skin.

Going forward, look for new growths, spots, bumps, patches, or sores that still haven’t healed after 2 to 3 months or have changed size, shape or color. Bring any trouble spots to the attention of a doctor so that further tests, including skin cancer screenings, can be done.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports – For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from Daily Health Bulletin and click the link now to discover why skin cancer screenings are so vital.

Why You Want to Avoid Melanoma Skin Cancer

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When most people hear their doctor say the word ‘cancer’, they know that it’s a serious health issue and will be difficult to handle. While non-melanoma cancer is not quite as serious as other types, it can still lead to severe consequences. Melanoma skin cancer on the other hand will lead to fatalities if no treatment has been applied early enough in the process.

Knowing what melanoma skin cancer is, being aware of it, and learning the ways to prevent it from developing are important for your health. Each year and all around the world, millions of people are affected by melanoma. Therefore, if you are outside in the sun frequently, you should learn as much as you can about melanoma since you are at a greater risk. Read the rest of this entry

Fun and Safe in the Sun

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Most everyone loves the sun. Bright light invigorates and helps boost your mood. Unfortunately the sun has some downsides, too. Spending a lot of time outside without taking precautions can lead to health problems.

We are programmed to think tans are a good thing. Pick up most any edition of a women’s magazine published in the summer and you will see an article on how to get a healthy tan. Talk to any doctor at a south Chicago hospital and you will hear how unhealthy a “healthy” tan can be. Skin cancer is the most common cancer, and 85% of skin cancers are caused by sun exposure. Basil cell carcinoma looks like a smooth, raised bump which some people think is a sore that will not heal. It is the most easily cured of skin cancers. Squamous cell carcinoma resembles a red, scaly patch and is the second most dangerous skin cancer. Melanomas are the rarest but most dangerous form of skin cancer. They are often dark in appearance. A mole that changes size or appearance might be a melanoma that needs to be checked out.

Skin cancer is the most common cancer amongst young people. Wilmington Illinois hospital workers can tell you that this is in part due to the widespread use of tanning beds. Teens and young adults use tanning beds in part to look better and in part to feel better. Recent studies have shown that people who use tanning beds can become addicted to them as if they were a drug. Users report increased feelings of well-being after using the beds and depression if they have to miss a session. There is some talk of enacting legislation to limit tanning bed use, but education is probably a better choice. Advances are made every year in sunless tanning that enable you to get the sun-kissed look without the UV damage. Young people need to know as well that too much sun now can lead to increased wrinkles, brown spots, and other signs of aging at earlier ages than if they avoided UV exposure. Read the rest of this entry

Cancer – Fear Not the Dreaded "C" Word

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I received a call from my cousin’s wife, who is originally from Australia. She was very concerned about the follow up consultations with her doctor about how they would attack the cancer on her skin.

For years now, people all over the world go into shock and emotional turmoil from hearing the report from a doctor, that they’ve been diagnosed with cancer. I still remember what emotion I felt when I received that call from my dermatologist in 2003. It takes your breath away and makes your whole body ache from dread. Read the rest of this entry

Skin Cancer – Simple Home Remedies to Deal With the Disease

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The article deals with simple home remedies to treat skin cancer. Read the rest of this entry

Why Spray Tanning is Better Than Harmful UV Rays

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We all want the beautiful bronzed look you get from lying in the sun on a gorgeous beach somewhere, but the harmful effects of overexposure are too great to lie around in the sun. If you are looking for a natural and safe glow then spray tanning is the way to go. Spray tanning offers the benefits of tanning without the harmful results of UV exposure. Spray tanning is offered in a variety of ways and most common at salons and spa where you can pay for the service and have an experience spray or machine spray you.This offers the best results, especially for a first timer, and allows you to customize your tan to look natural or define certain areas of your body. If you are looking to save a little money over the long run of your spray tanning experiences there are kits you can purchase to complete your own tanning session at home. Read the rest of this entry

Tips For a Beautiful, Natural Sunless Tan

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If you are looking for a way to get a beautiful, natural tan while still avoiding the harmful effects of overexposure to the sun or UV rays, sunless tan products are worth a try. There are a lot of sunless tan products to choose from including sprays, lotions, foams and airbrushing. With the sprays, lotions and foams you will get a tan, but they often leave you looking unnatural, dry and even striped. Not the look you want for a special occasion or even just a day at the beach. Instead, consider the benefits of airbrushing and airbrush kits that allow you to learn how to apply a spray tan in the comfort of your own home. The investment in the kit will be much less than even a season or year of spray tanning at your favorite salon, plus you can have spray parties and invite your friends over for fun and tanning and help them save money as well. Read the rest of this entry

The Benefits of Spray Tanning

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Spray tanning is one of the great new ways to get the bronzed glow you want without the harmful effects of sun exposure and tanning beds you don’t. Overexposed skin is more prone to sunburn, skin conditions, premature aging and skin cancer. While, the sun is vital to help us receive some of the vitamins and minerals we all need to be healthy, overexposure to the sun can be dangerous and even life threatening. There are many different ways to get the tan you want without the exposure of the sun you don’t. Read the rest of this entry

The Benefits of Sunless Tanning Sprays

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Sunless tanning is finally starting to gain the respect it deserves in a beauty industry saturated with images of dark skin and tight bodies. But, while the sun is essential to give us many of the vitamins and nutrients we need to be healthy, overexposure of the sun can lead to premature aging, sunburn and even skin cancer. Instead of lying in the sun to get the tan and glow you want, consider some of the sunless tanning products available. Sunless tanning sprays are among the most popular and can be used in a variety of applications. Read the rest of this entry