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3 Basic Steps You Can Take to Prevent Breast Cancer

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It’s one of those things that you probably do not spend too much time thinking about. In fact, if you’re like me, about once a month in the shower you remember to “feel yourself up” and look for lumps, then you go on with your daily life for the next, oh, 25 to 40 days, before recalling that it’s been a while since you checked and you probably ought to do it again. And most doctors say that at least until you’re in your 40’s or 50’s, that’s fine. Read the rest of this entry

3 Basic Steps You Can Take to Prevent Breast Cancer

cancer saver

It’s one of those things that you probably do not spend too much time thinking about. In fact, if you’re like me, about once a month in the shower you remember to “feel yourself up” and look for lumps, then you go on with your daily life for the next, oh, 25 to 40 days, before recalling that it’s been a while since you checked and you probably ought to do it again. And most doctors say that at least until you’re in your 40’s or 50’s, that’s fine. Read the rest of this entry

Hair Growth After Chemotherapy – How Long Does it Take?

cancer saver

Getting through cancer, chemotherapy and the hair loss that the whole process often entails can be difficult. It is understandably extremely emotional for many patients to lose their hair. Many people are pleased however, with the quality and variety of wigs and scarves that are available for their choosing. Nevertheless, every patient wants their hair to begin to regenerate. This article explores the question that is on the mind of nearly every cancer patient: How long does it take for hair growth after chemotherapy? The following information presents the timeline and process for hair growth after chemotherapy.

Hair Loss

Hair is lost during chemotherapy as a response to the chemotherapy drugs. The drugs attack the cancer cells but unfortunately, they also cause an attack against the hair follicle cells as well. About three weeks into the chemotherapy is when the hair loss is likely to begin. At this point, it is difficult to predict if the hair will suddenly and quickly fall out in clumps or if it will be a gradual shedding of hair over time. In any case, the hair is likely to fall out until some time after the chemotherapy has ended.

How to Handle Hair Loss
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