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Cervical Cancer – 3 Ways Detect it Early

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In the previous years, women aged 60 and above were the ones most prone to cervical cancer. But with the 2009 report, an alarming 58% of these cases were women within the age range of 40 and 50 years old only. With such stats, it is therefore important to know the signs of cervical carcinoma so that its symptoms can be contained. Advanced cases of this type of medical condition can become invasive, which means that there is a very good chance that the cancer cells will afflict surround tissues and muscles as well.

So what are the most common signs of cervical cancer?

1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding. Abnormal bleeding or signs of unusual blood spotting is one of the more common signs of the pre-cancer stages of the cervix. It may come in various forms like: blood spotting between menstrual periods, bouts of heavy and light menstruation, vaginal bleeding after sex, blood spotting after the menopausal stage and even vaginal bleeding after douching. In some cases, the woman may experience unusual discharge between menstruation’s. Read the rest of this entry