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Poor Body Image Because of Cancer and How to Deal With It

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The cells in our body grow, multiply and die in a fixed pattern. Cancer disrupts this pattern and causes cells to grow in an abnormal fashion in places where they are not needed. This may result in a mass of tissue which might be malignant. It invades the other surrounding tissues and can damage the vital organs of the body.

Cancer treatment may comprise of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or hormone therapy. All these are proven successful treatments for cancer, though there are side effects for these treatments. Apart from visible side effects, cancer treatment can affect you emotionally as well. Read the rest of this entry

Our Body Cures Cancer Every Single Day

cancer saver

We tend to think that cancer is a disease that is a big mysterious genetic puzzle that can only be treated with a chemical cure. The ultimate chain of events that lead to this frightening disease is complex, but in most cases, cancer is a ‘lifestyle’ disease we give to ourselves.

For the most part cancer is fueled by the food we eat, the chemicals we are exposed too, the polluted air that we breathe, and other lifestyle choices that weaken our defenses against this villain. Cancer cells are natural and every day our body deals with them and has numerous natural defenses to find and destroy these cells. Read the rest of this entry